When it all comes down to it, whether you hire someone to fertilize your lawn or you do it yourself doesn’t matter. Regardless, it is vital to the health of your lawn that you add supplements to it. This provides your grass with the nutrients that it is lacking. This...
Early spring and fall are the most effective times to apply pre-emergent herbicides. They can be applied throughout the year and will still prevent new weeds that sprout; however, most weeds sprout during spring and fall. Annual weeds germinate from seeds in the...
Tired of the tedious and grueling work of maintaining your lawn? Does it seem no matter how hard you try, it still looks patchy and unkempt? The following are some common lawn-care mistakes that may be causing your woes. Seasonal Tasks Are you doing the right tasks...
By taking a few easy steps, you can end up with the greenest, healthiest lawn on your block. A green lawn is possible to maintain for the entire year as long as you know the right steps. We would like to give you a little advice about those right steps in this...
Most Kentucky lawns are seeded with Kentucky bluegrass and turf-type tall fescue grasses, high summer heat can spell trouble for our cool-season lawn grasses. There are warm season grasses such as buffalograss and Zoysia. Different grass need different management...