Armyworms can wreak havoc on your lawn, causing extensive damage if left unchecked. These voracious caterpillars are the larvae of moths and are known for their ability to quickly devour grass blades and other plants. If you’ve noticed brown patches or chewed-up grass in your yard, it’s likely that armyworms are to blame. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore effective strategies for armyworm control and provide you with step-by-step instructions to eliminate these pests and protect your lawn.

Understanding Armyworms: Identification and Habits

Before we delve into the methods of armyworm control, it’s important to understand what armyworms are and how to identify them. Armyworms, also known as Fall Armyworms, are the larvae of moths that primarily feed on grass blades and can also infest various crops. Identifying armyworms is crucial for effective treatment. Here are some key characteristics to look out for:

  • Appearance: Armyworm caterpillars go through different growth stages. In the early stage, they are light green or tan, while in later stages, they become dark green or brown. Fully-grown larvae measure between 1 to 1.5 inches in length and have a series of green, yellow, or brown stripes along their bodies.
  • Behavior: Armyworms are most active during the early morning, late evening, and nighttime. During the day, they hide under leaf litter and thatch. If you suspect an armyworm infestation, you can flush them out by pouring a solution of 1 gallon of water and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid over suspicious patches. The armyworms will float to the surface within minutes if present.

Inspecting Your Lawn for Armyworm Infestation

To effectively control armyworms, it’s essential to conduct a thorough inspection of your lawn to determine the extent of the infestation. Here’s what you should look for during the inspection:

  • Signs of Damage: Armyworms can cause significant damage to your lawn, resulting in brown patches and chewed-up grass blades. Take note of any areas that show discoloration or dead grass.
  • Concentration of Armyworms: Armyworms tend to concentrate in specific areas of your lawn. Observe where the most activity is occurring and where the eggs and larvae are concentrated. These hotspots will be the main focus of your treatment.

By inspecting your lawn carefully, you can gather vital information about the infestation and plan your armyworm control strategy accordingly.

Effective Armyworm Treatment Methods

Now that you’ve identified the presence of armyworms in your lawn, it’s time to take action and implement effective treatment methods. Here are some tried-and-tested strategies to get rid of armyworms:

Chemical Treatment

Chemical treatment is a common and effective approach to control armyworms. Two recommended products for effective armyworm control are Bifen LP and Reclaim IT. Follow these steps for successful chemical treatment:

Step 1: Apply Bifen LP Granules to Your Lawn

Bifen LP is a granular insecticide specifically formulated to control various turf pests, including armyworms. Here’s how to apply Bifen LP:

    1. Calculate the square footage of your lawn by measuring its length and width in feet and multiplying them together.
    2. Determine the proper application rate of Bifen LP, which is 1.15 pounds per 1,000 square feet.
    3. Load a push broadcast spreader with the appropriate amount of Bifen LP granules.
    4. Apply the granules by broadcasting them in parallel lines across your lawn, covering the entire area evenly.
    5. Water your lawn after applying Bifen LP to activate the insecticide.

Step 2: Mix and Apply Reclaim IT to Your Lawn

Reclaim IT is a liquid insecticide that enhances the effectiveness of Bifen LP and provides long-lasting control of armyworms. Follow these steps to apply Reclaim IT:

    1. Mix water and Reclaim IT in a hand pump or hose-end sprayer according to the recommended ratio of 0.18 to 0.25 fluid ounces per gallon to cover 1,000 square feet.
    2. Use a 20-gallon hose-end sprayer for easy application.
    3. Start spraying in the late afternoon, as armyworms are most active during this time.
    4. Apply the Reclaim IT solution evenly over your entire lawn, ensuring thorough coverage.
    5. Make sure to postpone watering or mowing your lawn for 24 hours after application to allow the product to work effectively.

Prevention and Cultural Practices

Preventing armyworm infestations is crucial for maintaining a healthy lawn. Along with chemical treatment, incorporating preventative measures and cultural practices can help keep armyworms at bay. Here are some preventive strategies to consider:

    • Regular Monitoring: Regularly inspect your lawn for signs of armyworm damage. Look out for discolored grass or chewed-up blades, and take immediate action if you suspect an infestation.
    • Thatch and Debris Removal: Rake your lawn regularly to remove thatch and pick up yard debris. This eliminates potential hiding places for armyworms and reduces the risk of infestation.
    • Proper Lawn Care: Maintain a routine lawn care schedule, including proper watering, mowing at a taller height, and fertilizing to promote strong and healthy grass growth. A healthy lawn is more resilient to armyworm infestations.

Natural Predators

Nature provides its own armyworm control methods through natural predators. Encouraging the presence of beneficial insects and animals in your yard can help control armyworm populations. Here are some natural predators to consider:

    • Birds: Birds, such as sparrows and robins, feed on armyworms and can help reduce their numbers. Attract birds to your yard by providing bird feeders, birdbaths, and nesting boxes.
    • Beneficial Insects: Some varieties of wasps and flies are natural enemies of armyworms. These beneficial insects can help keep armyworm populations in check. Avoid using broad-spectrum insecticides that may harm these helpful insects.
    • Ground Beetles: Ground beetles are voracious predators of armyworms. They can be attracted to your yard by providing suitable habitats, such as mulched areas and perennial plantings.

By promoting a healthy ecosystem in your yard, you can encourage the presence of natural predators that will help control armyworm populations.

Protecting and Recovering Your Lawn

After successfully eliminating the armyworm infestation, it’s important to take steps to protect your lawn and aid its recovery. Here are some measures to ensure the long-term health of your lawn:

  • Regular Maintenance: Continue with regular lawn maintenance practices, including proper watering, mowing, and fertilizing. This will help your grass recover and grow strong.
  • Overseeding: If the armyworm infestation has caused significant damage to your lawn, consider overseeding with a grass seed specifically designed for your region. This will help thicken your lawn and promote its recovery.
  • Quarterly Treatments: To prevent future armyworm infestations, consider quarterly treatments with Bifen LP and Reclaim IT. These preventative applications will provide year-long control and help keep your lawn free from armyworms.

Dealing with an armyworm infestation can be a challenge, but with the right knowledge and strategies, you can effectively control these pests and protect your lawn. By identifying the signs of armyworm damage, conducting thorough inspections, and implementing the appropriate treatment methods, you can restore your lawn to its healthy and vibrant state. Remember to incorporate preventive measures and regular lawn maintenance practices to keep armyworms at bay. With proper care and attention, your lawn will thrive and remain free from armyworm infestations.

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Green & Grow is a full service lawn care company specializing in lawn mowing, fertilization & weed control, aeration & seeding, insect control, and more!
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