Aeration & Seeding
Lawn & Soil Aeration
Lawn aeration will help strengthen the roots and allow the grass to grow deeper. Strong roots in grass will help make it look very green and more beautiful. Our aeration specialists are trained in the latest aeration technologies. We have the expertise to design, troubleshoot, repair and effectively maintain any type of system.
Lawn Power Seeding
A dense lawn is the best natural defense against weed and insect damage. As your lawn ages, individual grass plants weaken, which can result in a thin, unhealthy lawn. Our power seeder’s reciprocating action prepares the seed bed for maximum seed germination without damaging the existing turf and also provides a light dethatching. This process includes ground-metered distribution and delivers exactly the right amount of seed to encourage plant development and lawn aeration.
(859) 314-LAWN
Full Service Lawn Care
Lexington Lawn Care | Richmond Lawn Care | London Lawn Care
Fertilization & weed control, aeration & seeding, insect control, and more!
Posts About Aeration & Seeding
4 Tips That Will Provide You the Best Lawn Possible During the Warmer Months…
Most Kentucky lawns are seeded with Kentucky bluegrass and turf-type tall fescue grasses, high summer heat can spell trouble for our cool-season lawn grasses. There are warm season grasses such as buffalograss and Zoysia. Different grass need different management...